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Registration is open to all TMW-KAHS Alumni, faculty and persons otherwise related to this small community.

If you are in one of those categories – or feel that you are – please register. Once you register, your registration will be reviewed and, based on the criteria set forth, it will be approved/disapproved.

This new procedure is being implemented to protect our members’ privacy and limit access to their personal data. We ask for your understanding.

In this version of the school site, in concert with Colene and Doug, I am trying to bring all the dispersed content under one roof  (the basic schoool site, the Yahoo Group forum, the Flickr galleries, mailing lists, etc).  If you have or know of additional school-related content, I ask that you let me know how I can get it or find it and I will include it

Once you register, besides having access to other members’ contact information, you will be able to post comments directly on the site. Please do so and keep this community going…

If you have suggestions, comments or ideas to improve this site, please let me know.

To register, please click  here.

If you were a registered user or logged in, you could post and read comments.